Articles tagged with “Quick tip” (14 articles)

How to fail fast your shell script

Discover a commands combo to fail fast your shell scripts

How to catch errors as soon as they occur in bash scripts

A quick tip to let you fail fast a bash script as soon as errors occur.

Today I learned: How to assert the new active element after Tab keydown event in Jest

Find out how to make your Jest test, that uses Tab keydown to move the focus, to pass.

How to locally delete all remotely merged git branches

A quick tip to let you delete all your local git branches that have already been merged on your remote

Restore your easier window navigation mappings on Netrw buffers in Vim

A quick tip to let you use your CTRL + h,j,k,l shortcuts in your Netrw Vim buffers.

Today I learned: How to encode/decode base64 string from the command line

Learn how you can encode and decode strings to or from base64 string, right from the command line.

Today I learned: How to "include" a link inside a form input label

Learn how to markup a form input label with a link in a accessible manner

Today I learned: How to log a Javascript object with indentation to the console

Find out how to console Javascript objects in a more readable form using JSON.stringify and its versatile space argument.

Today I learned: How to delete until the beginning of the line including the cursor in Vim

Learn about vim exclusive character motions and how to turn them into inclusive motions

Today I learned: How to show current buffer's path in Vim's normal mode

Learn the Vim shortcut to reveal the current buffer's path in the command line from normal mode.

Today I learned: How to style a <fieldset>'s <legend> element as display inline

Learn how to work around the dodginess of HTML <legend> tag to make it behave as it would be `display: inline` or `display: inline-block`.

Create a pull/merge request starting from your terminal

A quick tip on how to create a pull/merge request with the git CLI in your terminal.

Today I learned: How to tailor my `npm init` experience

Learn how to customize your `npm init` experience by creating a .npm-init.js file.

Fuzzy file search prompt ready upon vim entrance

Create a Vim autocommand to fire up your fuzzy file search plugin when you enter your editor.

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